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本文摘要:Volkswagen yesterday signed an agreement with China’s Anhui Jianghuai Automobile Co to explore joint development of electric cars, in the latest sign of how the German company is accelerating work in this area after the diesel emissions scandal.大众(Volkswagen)与中国安徽江淮汽车股份有限公司(Anhui Jianghuai Automobile Co)昨日签订协议,探寻牵头研发电动汽车。

Volkswagen yesterday signed an agreement with China’s Anhui Jianghuai Automobile Co to explore joint development of electric cars, in the latest sign of how the German company is accelerating work in this area after the diesel emissions scandal.大众(Volkswagen)与中国安徽江淮汽车股份有限公司(Anhui Jianghuai Automobile Co)昨日签订协议,探寻牵头研发电动汽车。这是在柴油车尾气不实丑闻后这家德国公司加快进占新能源领域的近期标志。

VW is seeking to consolidate its long-term position as one of the leading overseas carmakers in China by — among other things — evaluating a joint venture with state-owned JAC.通过评估与国有的江淮汽车合资等方式,大众于是以谋求稳固其长期以来作为中国领先的海外汽车制造商的地位。China is VW’s largest market, and the country is tightening regulation of cars powered by petrol and diesel engines, in moves intended to tackle widespread air pollution in towns and cities, and curb vehicles’ contribution to global warming.中国是大众仅次于的市场,同时中国正在放宽对汽油和柴油动力汽车的监管规则,目的解决问题城镇广泛的空气污染,并遏止汽车对全球气候变化的影响。

Collaboration between VW and JAC could involve development and manufacturing of fully electric vehicles and hybrid models, where power is provided by a combination of batteries and combustion engines. 大众和江淮汽车的合作,有可能包括研发和生产仅有电动汽车和混合动力车型(由电池和内燃机联合获取动力)。A final agreement on the terms of the partnership is expected to be signed within five months, subject to regulatory approvals, according to a stock exchange filing by JAC.江淮汽车递交给证交所的文件表明,有关合作条款的最后协议预计将在5个月内签定(如果监管机构批准后)。JAC is China’s ninth-largest carmaker and An Jin, chairman, said: We look forward to a full scope co-operation together with VW group, focus[ed] on new energy vehicles, to provide Chinese consumers with highly cost-effective battery electric vehicle products that promote the development of the Chinese new energy vehicle sector as well as the Chinese auto industry’s transformation and upgrading.江淮汽车是中国第九大汽车制造商,其董事长安进称之为:我们期望与大众汽车扎根新能源汽车领域,积极开展全方位的合作,为中国消费者获取高性价比的纯电动汽车产品,联合增进中国新能源汽车产业发展,推展中国汽车产业转型升级。

Beijing has identified electric vehicles as an area of strategic importance for the Chinese car industry and is offering generous subsidies to both consumers and carmakers to support the nascent market.北京方面指出电动汽车是对中国汽车产业具备战略重要性的领域,并为反对这个新生市场向消费者和汽车制造商获取大量补贴。Sales of electric and hybrid cars quadrupled in China last year to 330,000 vehicles, overtaking the US as the largest market in the world, according to Wind Information, a financial data provider. 金融数据提供商万得资讯(Wind Information)的数据表明,去年中国电动汽车和混合动力汽车的销量刷了两番,约33万辆,打破美国沦为全球仅次于市场。But analysts have warned the Chinese electric vehicle market currently offers little or no profits to carmakers, and is being held back due to inadequate battery charging infrastructure.但分析师警告称之为,中国电动汽车市场目前为汽车制造商获取的利润微乎其微,并且由于电池设施严重不足而发展缓慢。From January through to July this year, VW group sold 2.2m cars in China, accounting for 36 per cent of global unit sales. 今年1月至7月,大众集团在中国销售了220万辆汽车,占到其全球汽车销量的36%。

Worldwide, VW group sales were up only 1.3 per cent, but in China they rose 8 per cent, making it not only VW’s biggest market but also the fastest-growing.在全球范围来看,大众集团的销量仅有快速增长了1.3%,但是在中国其销量快速增长了8%,这使得中国不仅是大众仅次于的市场、而且是其快速增长最慢的市场。

